


Surgical Intestinal Anastomosis Workshop w SSC-Surgery MUG

Shraddha Singh

IFMSA-Poland Local Committee Gdańsk together with the Scientific Circle of Surgery hosted students of MUG (ED+PD) for the Surgical Intestinal Anastomosis workshop on Saturday, the 21th of May, 13.00-16.00.


Basic session where the classic sutures are required for anastomosis. 

The Advance session covered theoretical and practical knowledge about intestinal anastomosis (end-to-end, and end-to-side) 

The workshop was instructed by Dr. Agastya Patel (Doctoral Student) from the Department of General, Endocrine and Transplant Surgery and Shraddha Singh, 4th year ED student and Leader of the Student Scientific circle of Surgery. 


Budynek Klubu Medyk sala seminaryjna (nr 1)